2013年12月28日 星期六

Vintage Adventure in Budapest 布達佩斯

I didn't go any trip since back from the August long vacation.

去布達佩斯的這張機票,是在Final Project很忙碌的時候為了慰藉自己的辛苦,很早之前就決定的。去之前沒有做任何的旅遊功課所以當然什麼都不知道,也自然沒有太多的累贅期待。所以看到布達佩斯白日時,那種富有過去磅礡卻正在凋零的活歷史模樣,以及不需要多餘字句去形容的華麗夜景,自然非常滿足。

In order to release the tension I got from my final project in master course, I booked the flight for Budapest roughly 2 months ago. Because of busy, I prepared nothing before this trip. Hence, I didn't get any burdensome expectation for Budapest.
Therefore when I saw the buildings in city center that were exactly telling the history in Budapest by them selve, and the the glorious nightscape, I was extremely satisfied.

到達的第一天下午在路上閒晃時,碰巧撞見了一間新開三個月的vintage shop- Cydonia。
The first afternoon, I met a  new-open vintage shop-Cydonia coincidentally while hanging out.


And it motivated my desire to purposely search the other similar shops in Budapest.


If checking the meaning of "vintage" in dictionary, we can learn that it is originally related to wine. It especially means the high-quality wine made in a particular year. 
Nowadays it also indicates "OLD, BUT HIGH QUALITY".

所以,其實並不能每一間「二手店」都能夠稱自己叫Vintage Shop。
Therefore we can not call every second-hand shop as vintage shop.
But, it's included something subjectively personal judgment. 

這一次在布達佩斯探訪了五、六間「vintage shop」之後,在我心中能夠真的配的上Vintage這個字眼中美好意義的,就只有Cydonia。
In this trip, I visited several vintage shops, but only Cydonia can meet the beautiful meaning of the word "vintage" in my mind.


Cydonia店裡,收藏的衣物以1700's 到1970's為主,其中另外夾雜了一些匈牙利當地設計師的寄賣服飾。
In Cydonia, the apparel is mainly from 1700's to 1970's (according to owner), but also with some modern Hungarian designers' work.

The most important reason why I like Cydonia is that she can tell you when and how she got her products. On the other hand, the atmosphere of owner is quite special and charming for me, too.

( Since I don't have ear piercings, so this kind of vintage clip-ons totally meet my needs.)

(Of course they got a lot knot earrings too.)

(The vintage tie clip for women. It is so convenient that even with a little mirror.)

雖然Cydonia在門面上很像什麼便宜服飾大賣場,但通常外表長這樣的vintage shop都是淘寶或是欣賞復古好東西的去處。
Although the gate of their shop looks not so attractive as others, it's definitely a nice spot to visit if you want to discover something interesting.

